Friday the 9th was an amazing day for the weather considering the recent weather we have had. An amazing turnout of close to 110 people in attendance.
This year was the first year we incorporated Ambrose as well as the day-to-day golfers and we had 11 teams enter this event.
Results of the day:
Best Nett: Wayne Broughton 69 (C/B)
Best Stableford: Stu Wiles 35
Best Gross: Mike Moloney 78
Best Par: Geoff Taylor -2
Nett Runner Up: Brian Ralph 72
Gross Runner Up: Jason Lange 79
Most Golf: Jonathan Richards (100 +)
Nearest the Pin: Peter Hill
Longest Drive: Joel Bull
Ambrose Winners: RCR Team – Luke Archibald, Dave Chant, Brendon Pearson, Lorene Maher
A big thank you to all National Sponsors and the local sponsors on the day:
Vynco Industries Ltd, Corys Electrical, Kraus & Naimer, NSG Lighting, Tycab, Maser, ETCO, ZG Lighting (NZ) Limited, ATT Apprentice Training Trust, Lone Star Petone, Switch Lighting, PDC, John Brooks Ltd, Mardag Holdings Ltd, Signify New Zealand Ltd
On Course BBQ: Schneider – Aaron, Steve, Gus
Drinks Cart: Advance Electrical – Billy
Marshmallow Competition: ATT – Antony, Paul Winning Ambrose Team Below Team RCR – Luke Archibald, Dave Chant, Brendon Pearson, Lorene Maher