Wellington 2020 Te Marua Golf Club

Te Marua Golf Course – 11th September 2020
Although a difficult choice with all the uncertainty surrounding the holding of events this year the Wellington Committee decided to proceed with our tournament to give everyone a good blowout day after the tumultuous start of the year.

A change of format this year to keep it a bit more casual, we decided to run with the AMBROSE option. As we were still in LEVEL 2 of lockdown we had to limit the numbers to 100 and we did manage to reach this mark.

The Ambrose format did present a few new faces to the mix and we do hope they enjoyed the day.

The weather wasn’t kind to us right up till tee off time and then at one stage the sun came through to the delight of the Wellington Committee but unfortunately constant drizzle to keep us all on our toes.

We had 2 closest to the pins on the day:
Hole 2 sponsored by Zumtobel and manned by Richard Harris, this was won by the local maestro, Steve Needham.
Hole 15 was our Charity Cash Hole that our yearly donation goes to Wellington City Mission, this was manned by the new recruit from Vynco, Paul Berney. Aaron Gage won this and received a cash prize.
Longest Drive this year was given to Rachelle Stoddart, as she did the most “driving” doing the drinks cart all day. BBQ was kindly manned by Geoff Johnson from PDC.

We reduced the hole sponsorship down this year to help alleviate some of the pressure of the COVID situation. Hole sponsors on the day were: Kraus & Naimer, SIMX, Maser, Vynco, PDC, DB Breweries, Brightlight, Tycab, PDC

We would also like to pay our appreciation to the Gold, Silver, Bronze and prize National sponsors as there support over the years has been outstanding and we are looking forward to getting things back on track for 2021

The winning team below, ended up shooting a NETT 57 and this entry was from JAR Wellington branch. Jared Hedges, Tyson Te Kira, Aaron Gage and Luke Archibald.

Team Winners

Steve Needham has also retired from the committee as of 2020 and we wish him all the best in the future and we would like to say thank you for your support and commitment over the years.

We also are welcoming into the committee, Alistair Peterson from Kraus & Naimer that will be supporting the committee from 2021.

Many thanks to all those who attended on the day,

The Wellington Committee,
Alan Fayen, Jamie Dempster, Bruce Robb, Steve Needham

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