Waikato 2022

Waikato Bay Of Plenty Electrical Trades Regional Golf Day 2022
Unfortunately, 2021 saw our tournament cancelled for the very first time due to Covid which was to be in Hamilton so we decided to stay on this side of the hill and host in Hamilton again so that all pre-entered players and sponsors could participate as originally planned.
Friday the 14th of October saw us at the Ngaruawahia Golf Club due to Riverside Narrows Course now being closed and handed over to NZTA for the new road into Hamilton.
This course was used for the regional tournaments until 2006 with the National Tournament being held there back in 2004.
Although there was a huge thunder and lightning storm over the area on a Thursday night the course was in pretty cold conditions around and although a little windy the rain stayed away and it turned into a great day all round.
Again this year the format was Team Ambrose with those wanting to qualify for the National Tournament playing 18-hole individual stroke play.
100 players entered on the day with 17 Ambrose Teams and 32 in the individual stroke play was a great turn again from right around the whole region., Tauranga, Mt Maunganui, Taupo, Rotorua, Hamilton and even a team from Auckland.
Not our biggest field but still had a great turnout after last year being cancelled out.
Plenty of new players again this year which proves the Ambrose format is a winner. And
So a great effort all around by the committee, the players, and the generous sponsors on the day.
Another great addition this year was having a Jet Ski valued at just under $19k up for a hole-in-one on the 14th hole.
We charged $5 to enter the challenge which will all be donated to Gumboot Friday.
Although this is our first time at having a hole-in-one prize for some time the $5 to enter raised a total of $330.00 which isn’t too bad for our first attempt.
Special thanks to Adrian and his team at Adrian and Associates Insurance Brokers for making this happen and also to the great team at Action Lab for allowing us to have a Jet Ski on display on the hole for the day. No winners though unfortunately. Hopefully next year.
Sponsorship was again brilliant. On the back of these Covid times, to the sponsorship was still fabulous.
Without the Champion Companies listed below tournaments like this just couldn’t happen.
Although I am the National Sponsorship Coordinator for the NZ Electrical Trades organization I’m continually surprised and at times overwhelmed with the generosity of these companies and the great support they give not only the WBOP tourney but all the other 9 regions as well.
So I know it goes without saying, but please support these fantastic companies below whenever you can.
Special thanks to……
First Flex, HPM LeGrand, JA Russells, Schneider Electric, ETCO, Simx, Electrical Supply Corp, Connect Security Products, Pierlite, Pro Drive Golf, The Helm Bar, Pure Lighting, ABB, Maser, Lightwire, Trade Safety, CDB Group, Jumping Goat, DHM Technologies, Active Electrical, Master Electricians, ATT
Apprentice Training Trust, Direct Group Uniforms, Clevertronics, Philips, Ideal Electrical, simPRO, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Frankton Butchery.
Extra Special thanks to…..
The team at ATT Apprenticeship Training Trust for the marshmallow driving contest on the first hole. A great laugh and great fun were ahead by all.
The Champions from Ideal Electrical for not only supplying the BBQ Trailer and cooking up a storm but also for keeping an close eye on the hole-in-one challenge and collecting $5 to enter from the players.
The Team at Pierlite and Electrical Supply Corp for supplying and delivering the refreshments on the drinks cart. Well needed on such a cracker day
The great Team at DHM Technologies for putting up a Webber BBQ on the day for closest to the pin on hole #7 and having the lads walk the hole and measure the ones that looked close.
BBQ won by Dave Edmondson which was 1.2 metres from the hole.
Super Extra Special thanks to….
Bianca from Legrand for stepping in for Pam who was away in Aussie. Not only did she help sell the raffle, take photos, and collect the $5 fee she also helped with the BBQ, helping monitor the hole-in-one challenge but she also towed the Jet Ski back to Action Lab for us to ensure it was back there by 5 pm. Champion thanks, Bianca.
Again, a special thanks you to all the sponsors from the whole WBOP Committee.
You are all legends. Cheers
Before the prize-giving started we raised our glasses to a couple of great blokes that have been a part of our tournament for many many years not only as players but as long-serving committee members.
Both Rexy McIntosh and Stu Browne both passed away between our 2022 event and our last one in 2020 at Omanu Golf Club.
Both have been on the WBOP committee for so long and our records back when they started probably weren’t as detailed as they are today, and no one could remember back that far with the general comment being “they have always been on the committee”.
Stu was WBOP Representative Player #72 and had been to 5 National Tournaments.
Rexy was WBOP Representative Player #86 and had been to 10 National Tournaments which is our blazer game.
Rest in peace lads and enjoy the endless golfing and whiskey in the Sky. Cheers from us all.
Prize Winners.
There were 10 team prizes in the Ambrose and below are the top 5 teams.
After an initial inquiry by the stewards, it was Team WRAC that were at the pointy end of the field with a Nett Score of 49. A great effort by these lads who were second in the 2020 event so the tournament handicapper will be on the lookout for them next year lol.
Jared Koningsveld, Brad Nickel, Justin Morgan, Russell Mangan
2nd: Dimpled Balls. Nett 55.625
Daniel Hennebry, Doug Millington, Paul Anderson, Blu Geddes
3rd: TB Electrical. Nett 56.5.
Thomas Baker, Richard Eagles, Thomas Curle, Daryl Atwell.
4th: Taupo Swingers. Nett 59.25
Peter Rowland, Ian Wright, Trent Hancock, Chris McKillop.
5th: JA Russells Hamilton. Nett 60.
Matt Hunt, Nathan Edwards, Aaron Katipo, Mark Blackett.
Individual Stoke Play Winners.

1st: Jason McIntosh 67.
2nd: Derek Todd 75.
3rd: Daniel Laing 76.
1st: Hud Milne 64.
2nd: Dan Turner 66.
3rd: Marty Forsman 71.
1st: Niall Fuiller 42.
2nd: Richard Newman 39.
3rd: Rob Barbour 36.
And that’s a rap.
See you at the 2023 WBOP tournament in the Bay of Plenty.
The WBOP Committee
Gavin Clarke, Marty Forsman, Roy Hyland, Tim O’Donnell, Matt Hunt, Ryan McHale

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