Play the Majors : Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions (“Terms”) set out how you may enter into, and continue to participate in Play the Majors:

Play the Majors is provided by Golflinks NZ Ltd. whose registered office is 6 Queen Street, Papakura, Auckland, 2110, New Zealand.

Please read through these Terms carefully. If you do not accept the Terms, do not enter Play the Majors. By entering and continuing to participate in Play the Majors you are confirming your acceptance of the Terms.

The “Terms” also include any additional information regarding Terms of Use that can be found in our Privacy Policy.

If any provision of these Terms shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed separate from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

The Terms are the entire agreement between the participating parties and relating to Play the Majors.

These Terms are covered in part by the laws of New Zealand Gaming Act 2003, and NZ Privacy Act 1993.

Our right to make changes

We may, at any time, amend or delete any of these Terms. Please ensure that you check the Terms on a regular basis to review any changes we have made. Your continued participation in Play the Majors following the publication of any changes to the Terms confirms your acceptance of those changes.

We may, in our sole discretion, suspend or cancel Play the Majors or your participation in it for any reason, at any time. You agree that no liability shall attach to us as a result thereof and that the exercise of such discretion shall not result in any compensation being payable or paid to you. We will endeavour to give you notice of such changes, but reserve the right to do so without notice.

Eligibility to participate in Play the Majors

To participate in Play the Majors you may be of any age that allows you to participate in such contests without the requirement of parental guidance.
To be eligible to win prizes if they are applicable to the group you are registered with, you must be able to verify your age and identity, contact details and place of residence in the country of participation, and or any additional requirements of such group contest you are entered in.
Rankings displayed on the Current Event page or the website includes the rankings of all participants, and not only the rankings of participants in groups that are eligible to win a prize, and therefore should not be relied upon as indication of who will win a prize in each individual group.
For a group prizes to be valid you must be an accepted member of that group viewable when logged into the site proper.

No entry fee is necessary to enter Play the Majors, Individual groups may however “at their own discretion and outside the boundaries of Play the Majors legal obligations” create their own entry fee that should comply with the NZ Gaming Laws and or the Laws of the country that the group resides in.
Play the Majors reserves the right to halt the use of Play the Majors sweepstake by any group that does not comply with these legal requirements.


For the purposes of Play the Majors and your use of the website, our computer record of your entry will be considered to be your entry. We have the right to reject what, in our sole discretion, we consider to be incomplete, inaccurate or corrupted entries.The decision of Play the Majors as to whether an entry is incomplete, inaccurate or corrupted is final.

You agree that no liability shall be attached to Golflinks NZ Ltd or PTM as a result thereof that the exercise of such discretion shall not result in any compensation being payable or paid to you.
We will not have any responsibility or liability for late or incomplete entries, communications or for any technical failure, malfunction or difficulty, or any other event causing disruption to or corruption of Play the Majors
It is a condition of participation that the Terms are accepted as final.


To enter Play the Majors, you need to register and provide accurate and complete registration information. It is your responsibility to update and maintain that information by advising us of changes to your details as becomes necessary.
Registration is for a single user only. On registration, you will need to select a “nickname” and password. You must not share your player nickname or password with anyone, nor use offensive words or word strings as part of your registration details when playing Play the Majors.
We reserve the right to refuse to accept, in our sole discretion, any material that is inappropriate or offensive.
A non-exhaustive list of names that may be considered to be inappropriate or offensive are names that are obscene, pornographic, racist, abusive or harassing.

Any entry or picks submitted using your player name and password will be deemed to have been submitted by you, and we do not have any responsibility or liability for any entry submitted by someone else using your details.

Privacy and use of your details

We collect entrants’ personal information in order to conduct Play the Majors.
If the information requested is not provided, the entrant may not participate in Play the Majors. Please refer to our Privacy Policy regarding the storage of personal information.

Details of the participants in Play the Majors will be displayed on various pages of the site. You agree that we can display your “player nickname” together with your score and any other relevant information.

Participants consent to other participants searching their “nicknames” on the site using the “Search” features.

Any communication or material you transmit to this website by email or otherwise, including data, questions, comments, suggestions or the like, will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
The email address held by us should be kept valid at all times. We provide a facility to allow users to update their email address at any time. Update emails about Play the Majors will be sent to this email address.

You agree that we may use your personal information, including your email, for the purposes set out above and for advising you of changes or additions to Play the Majors, of future competitions, or for promoting products and/or services offered by us or our related companies or sponsors, you do however “by the laws governed by various unsolicited email acts” have the opportunity to opt out of receiving electronic promotional communications at any time.
To be removed from our mailing list, please ensure you click on the opt-out link in any of the emails that are sent to you.
NOTE:Your ability to enter Play the Majors will not be affected by this opt out however you will not receive any future notifications of changes to our Terms and Conditions and or any news related to current and future events of Play the Majors.


Specifically there are no prizes available for playing in any of the Play the Majors Sweepstakes, Play the Majors is a free to enter web based contest, individual groups may however arrange and participate in their own contest within the Play the Majors website provided the contest and its prizes comply with the gaming laws of the groups country of origin. Any obvious breach of these rules will result in that groups exclusion from the use of the PTM website.

Any and all obligation of notification of prize winners is the obligation of the individual group owners, Play the Majors will not be liable for any results not reaching the intended recipient.

No prizes in any of the contests may be redeemed for cash, the Terms and Conditions of each group contest must comply with the Gaming Act of the country the group is participating in.

The results calculated in the Play the Majors will be final and no correspondence whatsoever will be entered into regarding the results or the outcome of those results.
All results are carefully considered after each event is concluded, if any obvious errors are noted the contest results will be halted until such errors have been rectified, in the event of such an occurrence contestants will be notified when the results have been ratified.

Your conduct

If we find, or suspect, that you have: hacked or attempted to hack into any systems or server run by Golflinks NZ Ltd for PTM’s, or undertaken any other activity which may adversely affect either the functionality of Play the Majors or another person’s participation in Play the Majors, we will immediately remove you from the system and your registration and/or entry will be cancelled. You will have no right to any compensation in these circumstances and we reserve the right to report the matter to the relevant authorities.

You are and remain solely responsible for the content of any comments or other postings submitted to us via your registration details. You are also responsible for your interactions with other members of the Play the Majors community. We reserve the right (but have no obligation) to monitor and moderate disputes between members of Play the Majors community.

We may review the Play the Majors website and may delete or remove (without notice) any site content or user content in our sole discretion, for any reason or no reason, including but not limited to content that in the sole judgment of Play the Majors violates these Terms.

You agree to indemnify and keep indemnified Golflinks NZ Ltd and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, distributors and affiliates from and against any and all claims, loss, damage or liability (whether criminal or civil and direct or indirect) suffered and fees and costs incurred, including reasonable legal fees, resulting from any act, neglect or default or breach by you or any person who may be authorized by you or for whom you are responsible (for example as employer) of any of these Terms and/or from your placement or transmission of any Content (defined below) onto Play the Majors server, and/or from any and all use of your account.

Our liability

We will not have any responsibility or liability for the predictions or selections made, or information provided, by any person or entity which is displayed on the Play the Majors website. If you take the comments, predictions, selections and/or information of any other person or entity into consideration you do so entirely at your own risk.

Whilst we will endeavour to ensure that the content on the Play the Majors website (including (without limitation) all information on it, whether provided by us or not) (Content) is error-free, we do not warrant its accuracy, adequacy or completeness or that it is suitable for your intended use.
The Content may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. The Content may also be updated at any time and may, at times, be out of date, inaccurate and/or incomplete. We do not have any responsibility for keeping the Content up to date, accurate and/or complete, nor do we have any liability for any failure to do so.

The Play the Majors website may not be continuously available and we make no assurances it will be free from computer viruses or any other malicious or impairing computer program.
The website is registered and functions with an approved SSL certificate that provides for the most relevant protection available for any website that deals with the collection of private individuals information

Neither Golflinks nor Play the Majors accept any liability if any contest that Play the Majors undertakes to run is cancelled or postponed due to reasons outside of our control. Where events are rearranged, shortened or otherwise postponed points will be allocated to contestants selections when and how the event is actually played out.

This website, the Content and access to Play the Majors is provided on an “as is” basis and there are no representations or warranties of any kind relating to the Play the Majors website, the Content and/or Groups, other than as specifically stated in these Terms or that cannot be excluded by law.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither Golflinks NZ Ltd, Play the Majors nor any other person or party associated with Play the Majors shall be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever suffered (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) or personal injury suffered or sustained in connection with either participation in Play the Majors, the use of Play the Majors or our website or with any prizes offered by participating groups.
This exclusion shall apply in respect of, without limitation, any interruption of services, lost profits, loss of contracts or business opportunity, loss of data, or any other consequential, incidental, special, or punitive damages arising out of Play the Majors even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether arising in contract, tort, under statute or otherwise.


As Play the Majors is first and foremost a Free to Enter contest, Golflinks NZ Ltd nor Play the Majors will be held responsible or enter into any support of any claims resulting from disputes from within group contests, these disputes shall remain the sole responsibility of the group owners/organizers.
If such disputes should affect the enjoyment of Play the Majors we reserve the right to exclude that group from any future use of the Play the Majors website.

Starting Groups and or Inviting Friends

Participants may at any time start their own group for the purposes of holding their own friends contest, this group and its group page must at all time comply with Play the Majors Terms where applicable.

Participants may refer Play the Majors to their friends via email or social media. If a Participant refers a friend, they warrant that they have obtained their friend’s consent to do so prior to sending the email. The Participant indemnifies Golflinks NZ Ltd and or Play the Majors against any claims by any third party for the Participant’s failure to do so.


New Zealand-

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Manukau Mail Center

Auckland 2105





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