The 2024 Southland Trades Golf was hosted by the Green Acres Golf Club on the 11th of October following a wet spring causing a cancelled date from early September. The majority of the field had pre-entered including 5 Ambrose teams who along with walk-ups led to 72 players in the field.
Radcliffe Electrical supplied & run the pre-start BBQ A big thank you to Wayne & his team for their ongoing support.

We also had other Major sponsors represented with Bronwyn from AT & T Apprenticeships running a chipping competition & Nathan from Cleavertronics.

On the course:
A big thank you to our other sponsors who helped on the day including Ross Burns from Schneider Electric & James Grandeik. This year we had another impressive prize table a big thank you to all those companies for their ongoing support. From the results, Southland will be represented by 8 players at the National Tournament in Timaru in early November best of luck to the team represented by Damian Lipinski, Mark Boniface, Simon Owen, Sean Colyer, Paul Dodunski, Matt Foggo, Chris Jarett & Jacob Martin. Good luck to the team & a big thank you to all this year’s participants for your entries & the positive feedback see you in September 2025.
Many thanks to the following National Sponsors
Gold - ABB Limited, ATT NZ Apprentice Training Trust, JA Russell/Radcliffe Electrical, Signify Philips/Pierlite
Silver - 4 Cabling, Clevertronics, ETCO, Ideal Electrical Supplies, Simpro
Bronze - First Flex Cables, Maser NZ, NHP Electrical, Simx Ltd
Local Sponsors
Clive Wilson Switchboards, Cory's Electrical, Ideal Electrical Supplies, Radcliffe Electrical, Redpaths, Telfer Electrical.
Hole Sponsors
Alexander Manufacturing Ltd, Carrel Electrade, CLA Lighting, Cuthbert Stewart, Klein Tools, Kraus Naimer, Philips Lighting, Pierlite Lighting, Stiebel Eltron, Task Lighting, Thorn Lighting, Tricab Cables, Tycab Cables, Vynco Industries, Zephyr Electrical Products.
Suppliers Sponsors
Arrowhead Alarm Products Maser Communications (NZ) Ltd
Atkore/UnistrutMakita NZ Ltd
Chemz NZ LtdNexans Cables
Computer DynamicsOmron Electronics
Decom ElectricalRWK Holesaws
Halcyon LightingTask lighting
Hobeca ToolsTighlines Torches
Maser Communications (NZ) Ltd
Makita NZ Ltd
Nexans Cables
Omron Electronics
RWK Holesaws
Task lighting
Tighlines Torches

Nett Winner - Kawana George Nett 69

Gross Winner - Damian Lipinski Gross 73

Stableford Winner - Alister Walker 39 Points

Single Par Winner
Mark Boniface from Clive Wilson Par +1

Major Raffle sponsored by Nikki from Arrowhead Alarms. Winner Wayne Duffy

Hole 18 Congratulations to Alistair Walker for his Hole in One

Nearest to the Pin on Hole 18, sponsored by Clevertronics, represented by Nathan Tupaea.
Won by Alistair Walker - He wasn't simply nearest the pin, but he succeeded in getting a fantastic Hole in One.
Winning Ambrose Team - John's Team from EES Electrical
Hole 2 - Decom Electrical closest to the Pin. - Winner: Harmona Eddy
Hole 6 - Thorn Lighting represented by Gareth closest to the Pin. - Winner: Bill Bootit
Hole in One Schneider Electric - Winner: Alistair Walker
Chipping in sponsored by ATT Apprenticeships represented by Bronwyn. - Winner: Rodney Goodman
Stableford rest of the field
-39 Graeme McConachie - 39 Alister Walker
-37 Damian Lipinski - 37 Kawanu George
-36 Greg Keen - 36 Simon Owen - 36 Chris Bell - 36 Mark Boniface
-33 Jono - 33 Bruce Sangster - 33 Paul Dodunski
-31Sean Colyer - 31 Rodney Goodman - 31 Murray Todd
-30 Iain Wilson
-29 Haimona Eddy - 29 Ron Cardno - 29 Jacob Martin - 29 Chris Jarrett - 29 Rick Todd - 29 Kerry Popham
-28 Craig Popham
Craig Popham - Kerry Popham - Thomas Nichol - Tony Young - Mark Boniface - Jacob Martin
Special thanks to our regional playing visitors from outside Invercargill including Winton Queenstown & the Wanaka
The Committee Southland Electrical Golf Association