Southland 2017

Queens Park Golf Course –
This years event was held in perfect conditions at Queens Park golf course.
 – A Field of 58 golfers took part which is slightly down on last year due to other commitments by a few regular players.

Those that did turn out had a great time with our qualifers proving to be one of our stronger teams to a nationals in some time.
Hole and prize sponsors this year are:
AHI Carrier, Cavius, Chemz, CLA Lighting, Computer Dynamics, CRC Industries, Electrade, First Flex, Gartner Superlux, Globelink, Hamer, Hobeca
Kraus & Naimer, Marley NZ ltd, Maser , NHP Elect, Nexan Cables, NSG Lighting, Philips NZ, Prysmian Cables, Schneider, Simx Ltd, Southern Cross Lighting
Sutton Tools, Switch Lighting, Tightlines, Vynco,
Local sponsors
Corys, CW Telfer, Ideal, Radcliffe Electrical, Redpaths, Decom Electrical
Particular thanks to our National Sponsors for thier ongoing support.
Craig Popham & Southland Committee
Results from the day as follows
Gross: Craig O’Rorke 76|
Nett: Wal Shuttleworth 65 
Single par: Greg Keen: 2 
Stableford: Elaine Keen: 37
Stableford: Judy Gregory 42
Stableford: Mark Doggett 39 
Stableford: Roger Stewart 37
Stableford: Neil Robinson 36

Two’s: Sponsored by McCulloch & Partners
Judy Gregory, Campbell Beeby, Walley McGregor
Richard Allison, Paul Knowles, Jason Unahi

 Longest Drive: Sponsored by Decom Electrical
No 18 Jason Unahi
Nearest Pins: Sponsored by Southern Cross Lighting
No 2 Elaine Keen
No 17 Mark Smith

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