Schneider Electric Financial Workshop

Five key steps to build future wealth in your business

In conjunction with PROTRADE United, Club Schneider is offering business owners the opportunity to benefit from valuable business information.

Many business owners are just satisfied to earn a wage plus a little profit (if any) along the way. Seriously hoping this income, their savings, and superannuation are sufficient to fund their lifestyle once they retire. Sadly, the reality for 87% of business owners, is this does not eventuate.

Tuesday 23rd July 2024- 8.00 pm NZST

Join Jon Mailer, CEO, industry advisor, author, and international speaker, for an exclusive workshop designed to unlock five essential steps to use your existing business to create future wealth.

What you will learn:
•Actionable steps to strengthen your business foundations
•The key professionals to have on your team to prepare and protect future wealth
•Steps to develop a business that someone else wants to purchase
•Practical examples of electrical businesses that have generated passive wealth through their businesses
We look forward to seeing you on our complimentary webinar

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Brian C
Brian C
July 9, 2024 3:28 pm

A course I will be attending, never too late to learn a few new business skills

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