Saguto Golf – Crispy KFC Golf

Swing Easier + Hit Farther Shot - After-Shot.

Welcome to our very own online Golf Instructor - The Saguto Golf Online School is waiting for you to sign up and play the best golf of your life.
For as little as $14.99 USD per month, save 16% by signing up for a year.
Or Sign Up for Free and receive an introductory Ball Striking Mini Course 

Sneak Preview #1

The Saguto Golf swing lessons will get you playing at your full potential.
There are things you must do in the golf swing to play great golf. Great golfers demonstrate these things all the time. You need consistent ball striking and a powerful golf swing. Then, you need to hit the ball straight. Most golfers think that it takes 10,000 practice hours to be able to do those things, but it doesn't. All you need is a simple 3-step process to play great golf.
The Saguto Golf training methods will take you from being "just OK" at golf to playing the great golf you deserve.
Sign Up for a FREE introductory insight into the Tom Saguto training courses

I personally recommend Tom's training methods, it has improved my consistent ball striking 100%
"All I need to do now is improve my physical consistency"!!
Brian Cronin (Auckland)

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