A beautiful day at Balmacewen Golf Course saw the Otago tournament host 120 golfers with a mix of 80 odd Ambrose golfers and 40 individual players.
With golfers scattered across all tees, sending those in carts as far away as possible we
managed a smooth day with very few hold-ups.
The BBQ put on by Klein Tools was a welcome stop from several holes ensuring all golfers were well-fed and hydrated.
Some great sponsorship from local businesses and suppliers meant the prize table was well stocked, with most everyone taking home a prize of some description.
Congratulations to our three title champions:
Richard Knight – Best Gross (centre of photo below)
Drew McMillan – Best Nett (left of photo below)
Dan Poole – Best Stableford (right of photo)
As promised we introduced a new trophy to the collection for our Ambrose field.
The team known as Ideal 235 was our inaugural winner of the Ambrose trophy.
As always, a large thank you to our Hosts the Otago Golf Course who always look after us and
support the event each year.