We want to tell our Members about your Company

Content suggestions for Newsletters

To allow us to compile the newsletters in good time we would like to receive your material in the week before any new month.
 To obtain the greatest benefit for offers you may be making in your content we will look to post the newsletters at least in the first week of each month.

PDF Documents

PDFs can be inserted/displayed on our website however we are unable to take content from a PDF to use in our newsletters.

Word Documents

Content in a Word document.
Please provide any image content as separate items indicating where the image will be inserted in the article.
Extracting images from a Word document is a process we would prefer not to undertake.

Preferred text options

Paragraph - Article Titles
Heading 2 is our standard option

Content Text Sizing
18px is our website standard

Text Font Type
Our standard font is Muli Font however we can convert your text if it is delivered in a different format

Preferred Text Content
For our newsletters, we would like the content to be as concise as possible with a recommendation that you use linking in the material to direct our readers to the more in-depth content on your website.

Image Sizing
Note: Our website builder automatically optimizes your image to fit the newsletter page or element however the ratio is important for best resolution.

Image file format
JPEG or PNG file formats work best with an image resolution of 72ppi and, a preferred file size of up to 500kb no larger than 1MB as it will affect the page load.
We can resize your images but it involves time at our end that we would prefer to use more productively.

The general rule for these images is to provide us with a landscape-type image in a 2:1 ratio to best fit our newsletter layout, any larger will extend the page view/scroll of our content for our newsletter readers.
1200px wide is a good standard to follow however up to 2400px will resize to our pages.
The use of square images with text to the left or right of content is fine if you wish to present your content in that way.
Square images 500px x 500px minimum size, we have used 1200px x 1200px successfully in this presentation as the website will resize your image to the newsletter container.

Content suggestions for Site articles

Paragraph - Article Titles
Heading 2 is our standard option

Content Text Sizing
18px is our website standard

Text Font Type
Our standard font is Muli Font however we can convert your text if it is delivered in a different format

Image file format
JPEG or PNG file formats work best with an image resolution of 72ppi and, a preferred file size of up to 500kb no larger than 1MB as it will affect the page load.
We can resize your images but it involves time at our end that we would prefer to use more productively.

Intro Image
This is the image seen in the multi-block display on our menu post pages.
The general rule for these images is to provide us with a landscape-type image in a 2:1 or 3:2 ratio 500px wide minimum up to 1200px is suitable.
We have used square images 500px x 500px minimum size and upward, however, the website reduces its size to fit the rectangular container and can look a little smaller than your preferred view.

Article Images
The general rule for these images is to provide us with a landscape-type image in a 2:1 ratio to best fit the article layout.
1200px wide is a good standard to follow however up to 2400px will resize to our pages.
The use of square images on the page or with text to the left or right of the image is fine if you wish to present your content in that way.
Square images 500px x 500px minimum size, we have used 1200px x 1200px successfully in this presentation as the website will resize your image to the newsletter container.
Image resolution preferred 72ppi.

Article Content
The content provided can be as elaborate as you choose, we do suggest that it be concise enough to convey your message to our site visitors and may contain links to your website where additional related material may be available. 
Please send the article images separately with an indication as to where you would like them displayed.

Also, note that all of our articles are added to our Facebook page where they can be discovered by our Facebook followers.

PDF Documents
PDFs can be inserted/displayed on our website in an article, however we are unable to take content from a PDF to use in the content.

We value your support

As always your continued support of our events and the objectives of these events is greatly appreciated, we will always endeavor to promote your assistance on every possible occasion.

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