2019 would see us celebrate our 53rd National Tournament at the southernmost tip of the South Island, well almost only a twenty minute drive to the Bluff, and unfortunately the wrong time of the year for the Bluff oyster harvest.
On behalf of the association and attendees of the National tournament many thanks to all of our supporting sponsors for their generous financial support that goes toward the successful hosting of this our calendar event of the golfing year.
Gold – J.A. Russell Ltd/Radcliffe Electrical, Master Electricians, NHP, Schneider Electric.
Bronze – Clevertronics, First Flex Cables, Ideal Rexel Group and SIMX.
Also thankyou to Halcyon Lighting for their support at all of the regional events.
A huge thank you to the J.A. Russell/Radcliffe guys in particular Wayne Hibbs Invercargill Branch Manager for the provision of the BBQ and drinks over the two days a welcomed addition for the golfers, top class food “the kebabs were a highlight” appreciated by all attendees.
Southland hosted this year and they didn’t fail to put on an awesome occasion for all whom attended.
Many teams took the opportunity to fly down on the Saturday, Auckland, Nelson/Marlborough, Hawkes Bay, Waikato and Wellington all arriving into Queenstown and driving down to Invercargill enjoying various activities along the way, mostly of the social aspect with Auckland taking the time to have a round of golf at The Kingston Golf Club along the way, perhaps getting in some early practice for later in the week.
The Kelvin Hotel would be the host venue for the travelling teams, the hotel proved an excellent venue for the week, the accommodation, bar facilities and catering of exceptional quality, definitely one of the premiere stays our teams have had over recent years.
Craig, Mark and the team from Southland we appreciate all you have done to provide us with a memorable long weekend.
Saturdays travels culminated in a celebration of sorts for the Southern Hemisphere in the house bar where we all watched South Africa restore some sanity into the balance of world rugby, it looked like England may have played their final against New Zealand as they were definitely off the pace in the final.
The solitary England supporter in the bar took it all in good spirits and we all headed off for a little shut eye before the practice round at Invercargill Golf Club the following day, or for some the same day!!
The Invercargill Golf Club who have hosted a number of national events was presented in perfect condition with the weather playing its part for the most, a little rain on the Tuesday however not dampening the spirits too much as the scores if anything improved for some on the final day.
Sunday was for some of the teams a little more subdued after the Saturday nights festivities, and for others the pace generally does not let up, this would prove to be evident after scores were in after the first rounds play on the Monday.
Day One:
Otago came out of the gates “as in previous years” and held the Teams Gross lead by thirteen shots from Auckland after Day One, Hawkes Bay a one shot lead over Otago on the Team Nett, Hawkes Bay also held the Stableford lead by three over Otago, Tasman a three stroke lead in the Teams Par over Auckland.
In the individual standings Otago’s Richard Knight would “I think even astounded himself” with a score of 73, nett 62!! Well done Richard to lead the Individual Gross by five from a previous national titleholder, Southlands Craig O’Rorke.
Richard would also lead the Nett from Southlands Brian Gibson by four, and also by four from Brian in the individual Stableford.
It looked like a one horse race for Richard to take a clean sweep of all of the individual results “if that were possible however in our event this not the case as a one player one prize policy prevails” Richard also led the Par by five shots, again from Brian Gibson.
As will inevitably happen more often than not fortunes change overnight, “bodies get invaded by aliens” and Day Two will sort the pretenders from the contenders, the true test of the hardened national attendee is found if you can pass the previous night’s challenge of how many pints of beer or shots of Whiskeys can you down without –
A) falling over, B) catching a food bug and being ill, C) singing miserably, D) telling tragic tales of past games of golf that you could have won or E) relieving yourself in a hotel foyer pot plant?
Those that pass this test generally improve on day two and help their team to victorious celebrations on the Tuesday night, yes gentlemen Tuesday is when the lions eat the antelopes, chase them hard enough they tire and roll over for the kill!!
Richard is an antelope…….as is the Otago Team, after leaving all in their wake after Day One, either eating too much prairie grass or staying too long at the watering hole, they would falter when needed on Day Two.
Day Two and final results:
Auckland would prevail by nineteen shots in the Team Gross from Tasman “Yes Otago went backwards faster than a hungry cheetah”, (South African themed dialogue seemed appropriate)
Hawkes Bay netted the Team Nett by seventeen shots from Otago, Southland corralled the Stableford by fourteen shots from Waikato/BOP, and Middle Districts would play below par but still take out the Par by five from Wellington.
Aorangi and Canterbury vied for best dressed with Canterbury winning those honours in a canter.
The individual honours would see the local talent take out the top award of Best Gross with one of our previous national winners Craig O’Rorke winning The Gerard Silver Salver by six from Tasman’s Brett Allen.
Brian Gibson also from the Southland region took out the BJC Cup for 36 Hole Individual Nett, our own President Brian Cronin managed to play reasonably better on day two and took the ECANZ Cup for 36 Hole Individual Stableford by one shot from Hawkes Bay’ Gary Welch and Middle Districts Andrew Penwarden.
Andrew would go on to win the remaining individual title, the ETCO Cup for Best 36 Hole Par by two from a number of close followers.
Trophies were awarded by company representatives from our Gold Sponsors, particular thanks to Ross Burns Schneider Electric, John Condon and Aaron Johnson from JA Russell/Radcliffe, Brian Hemingway NHP Representative, and Rhys Jamieson for Clevertronics New Zealand.
Executive member Scott Applegate represented the Master Electricians in his capacity as an ex CEO of ME assisted with the awarding of the trophies.
Gentlemen we appreciate your attendance and trust you will have enjoyed your evening with us.
Congratulations to all our winners and those that achieved team honours, and also to the Southland Team for their tournament achievements and putting on a well organised and run event.
Many thanks again to all of our sponsors both nationally and regionally, to the host club, bar staff, caterer, its members and the course professional many thanks for the use of your course and your support during the tournament.
We will see you all in 2020 at the Manuwatu Golf Club hosted by Middle Districts more to follow on that as thing progress.
The National Executive
NZ Electrical Trades Golf