Hawkes Bay/Poverty Bay 5th September Hawkes Bay Golf Club
September 5
$52.00 – $208.00
DATE: 5th September, 12:00 pm NZST
VENUE: Hawkes Bay Golf Club, Hawkes Bay Golf Club, 114 Valentine Road, Hastings 4175
TIME: Registration From 11.00 am – Shotgun Start 12.00 noon
FORMAT: Ambrose and Medal play entries available, a light meal is provided after the golf.
Single Entry – $50.00 – $52.00 if paying via Credit Card
Team Entry – $200.00 – 208.00 if paying via Credit Card
$60.00 and $240.00 late entry
NOTE: There are two payment options: bank deposit and credit card.
Bank Details are as follows: Westpac 03-0726-0484649-000
Ensure your name is used as the Reference for your deposit
If paying via Bank Deposit, use the form below to enter the details of all of the players you are making payment for.
If playing as an Ambrose team your team name and your details as team manager are a minimal requirement.
“Names and Handicaps of team members will be required for verification on the day providing those details now will save us a lot of work if you can provide them now”
NOTE: If you intend to use a Credit Card, do not fill out this form, go to the bottom of this page to the Credit Card “Tickets” option and fill in the details of your team or individual players as requested.
“for the Credit Card payment, additional fees have been applied to the entry fee”
This entry form will be emailed to you and will serve as the record of whom you have entered and paid for.
NOTE: Your Bank Deposit entry will not be accepted unless payment is received within three working days of entering.
You will be notified if payment is not received in the allocated time and you may make alternative arrangements if this is the case please ensure that payment is made in one payment for all players registered in this form