Canterbury 2016

Waitikiri Golf Club – Friday 23rd September
A great day was had by all of the 106 players who took their places in the field. – A windless fine day, a relief after a week of wet drizzly weather all over the country. With the course playing well good scores were expected. – The day started early for some with a breakfast at a local establishment and thanks to Active Electrical Supplies Hornby for the pre-game coffee.

An impressive prize table ensured a prize for all – thanks to the many sponsors who made this possible. Especially the hole sponsors all.
Special thanks to Hamer & Bremca who provided on course BBQ’s and to Gerard Trade Supplies and Simx for supplying liquid to wash the sausages down. Thanks to John Barnes the official photographer who took plenty of shots and who had to move fast when an errant tee shot headed straight for him.  The ball in flight was captured.

No tournament can be a success without the backroom people so thanks to Vanessa Cooper of Switch Lighting, the staff at Waitikiri and of course Mike at Kraus & Naimer.
Best gross – Marcel Bramo 74, best nett – James Anderson 69, best stableford – Gavin Clarke 36, best Vet stableford – Neil Pritchard 39 points, best non handicap players – Phil Braam 79, Chris Brandon 86,Simon Packman 87, Richard Philip 72 net and Mark Willington 73 nett.

Team to Nationals at Christchurch – Neil Pritchard (elect eng) Wayne Gugich (Aotea Coms), Matt Evers Carmichael (Marshlands Elect), Rhys Jamieson (Philips), Kieran Harland (SIM Elect), Nige Starkie (CNI), Tony Voice (Fire Fighting Pacific), James Anderson (AC Connections) & Mike Davies, non-playing manager.  A new look team for 2016 and we look forward to great things at home.
National tournament gold sponsors are Philips Lighting, Corys Electrical, ECANZ, Ideal Electrical, Schneider Electrical and Gerard Trade Supplies (Gerard Lighting)  Thanks to these companies for their ongoing support

See you all next year.
Mike Davies

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