Auckland 2020

There is nothing that is permanent except change. – Heraclitus.
Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher maintained that change is the only reality in nature. I am guessing that Heraclitus never played golf at Pakuranga Golf Club in our Electrical Trades Golf Tournament, every year we can almost guarantee that nothing will change and it will rain, it has been suggested that we should be getting sponsorship from Watercare for services toward the filling our dams.

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Undeterred by the weather all eighty four entrants arrived and headed out into what turned out to be not such a bad day after all, we had the cyclonic squawl that managed to blow a couple of trucks into the harbour bridge but this only lasted four or five minutes and the weather turned out reasonably OK.
It must have as the golf was hotly contested with a number of quality rounds put in by the regular golfers and in the Ambrose section.

Scott Electrical

Many thanks to our sponsors whom in trying times were still very supportive of our event, with the nationals on hold until next year there was not quite the usual desperation for fund raising however it is always good to have a generous prize table for those who attend the day and there was no disappointment in that area with 80% of the attendees going home with a prize.


Please consider when making your purchasing decisions to visit our supporting wholesalers, JA Russell Ltd, K Simpson Ltd, Active Electrical Ltd, and Ideal Electrical Manukau Branch.

Also special recognition of the supporting suppliers, Computer Dynamics, First Flex Cables, Marley NZ, Milwaukie Power Tools, NHP Electrical Engineering Products, NSG Lighting, Pilz New Zealand and Rockwell Automation.

NSG Lighting
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A huge thankyou to Frucor Suntory New Zealand Ltd for supplying an assortment of their drinks for everyone to enjoy and NSG Lighting for the chocolates and fruit supplied.

Food and drinks after was carried out by way of table service with Auckland in level 2.5 the Pakuranga Golf Club staff went the extra mile with exceptional service in this area and should be commended for ensuring our day was a success.

First Flex
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The distribution of prizes was also carried out by Bar Manager Shari so again a huge thanks to Golf Operations Manager Sam Abela, the Pro Shop, Bar and Catering Staff for a massive effort, serving eighty odd thirsty and hungry Sparky’s no mean feat.
The main prize winners were as follows;
Gross Winner – Shiva Warjan (75) and R/UP Gary Coxon (78), Michael Lee (78)C/B, Indra Warjan (79)
Nett Winner – Brett Shrimpton (65) and R/Up John Wharfe (69), Alan Solomua (72), Dave Bickerton (73)
Stableford Winner – Russell Constant (40) and R/Up Aiden Kelly (37), Eddie Xu (35), Levi Healy (33)

We had a tremendous response to our Ambrose section this year, this is rapidly becoming a popular addition to the tournament with ten teams enjoying the less competitive aspect of Ambrose Golf.
The Active Electrical Ambrose Team Cup winners – Prime Electrical Team, Justin White, Stephen Gibson, Bryn Barnes Webb and Patrick Nolan with a very impressive score in the conditions (Nett 52), R/Up team was Ian Vaeteru’s team “Fore Skins” with Don, Rima and Chris. (Nett 53.6) Last year’s winners Active Electrical #1 would take out third spot on (Nett 59).
Nearest the Pins were won on ten Eddie Xu, and on fifteen Indra Warjan.
Many thanks again to all our Sponsors, The Pakuranga Golf Club and our attendees for making it possible for your committee to provide another epic day.

Good golfing and future prosperity
Brian C & Brian H The Auckland Electrical Trades Golf Assn.

Ambrose Team Results:
Prime Electrical –Nett 52
Fore Skins – Nett 53.6
Active Electrical #1 – Nett 59
NHP #1 – Nett 60
NHP #2 – Nett 60 C/B
Intellihub – Nett 61
Ideal #1 – Nett 61 C/B
Watercare – Nett 66
Ratai’s Team – Nett 69

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