What started out looking ominous weather-wise turned out pretty decent for our 2023 Auckland Electrical Trades Golf tournament.
The golf course was presented in excellent condition, providing ideal conditions for good scoring which proved to be the case.

Dominique, Chantel, Vanessa & Stacey from Schneider Electric provided an excellent pre-game BBQ on the 1st Tee, Schneider Electric also has a Smartest Sparky Quiz organized, you can still take part in the quiz up until the last event in October, follow this link to be in to win a Wiser Smart Home Pack.
Theresa, Kay, Nimita, Lauren, and Rebecca from ATT provided a fun contest on the 1st Tee, a shootout with Nerf guns, with no one seriously injuring themselves. John Taina took out the top target prize pack with eight successful shots in a row. ATT nearest the pin prize packs were also awarded to Dan "Ideal Penrose",
Gavin Clarke "National Treasurer and Waikato Delegate", and Paul Thornton.
Long Drive also went to Gavin for his effort in driving from Hamilton.

The Intellihub Team of Paul Thornton, Dirk Schmidt, Morgan Becker, and Don Berry took out the top Ambrose award with a Nett 52.5 - Pictured right is Milan Kumar, Sales Director at simPRO NZ presenting the trophy to the winners.
Other winners of the Ambrose section were as follows:
1st Runner Up - Tyree's Tonka's - 52.87
3rd - Ideal Hackers - 53.75
4th - Amps Electrical - 53.87
5th - Birdie Legends - 54.125 c/b
6th - Ideal Penrose - 54.125
7th - Hamer Electrical - 55
8th - DGE - 55.25
9th - Powered by Watercare - 56
10th - Active Electrical #1 - 57
11th - Cascade Electrical - 57.375
12th - Ideal Manukau - 57.4
13th - Scotts Electrical - 57.5
14th - NSG Lighting - 58.34
15th - Ninja's - 59.62
For the single prize winners, we would see a new Auckland Trade Champion Jamie Dempster newly domiciled in Auckland from a long association with the Wellington Tournament Committee. Jamie's score of 71 was very impressive on the par 70 layout,
Inset right Jamie Dempster receiving the BJC Trade Champion trophy from Brian Cronin Auckland co-tournament organizer.
Second in the Gross went to long-time Auckland title contender Indra Warjan on 76, followed in third by 2022 team member Mark Ross on 79. Fourth place was taken by Gary Coxon and fifth by Corys Electrical Neil Vermaak.

The PDL Cup for Best Nett was won by Salesh Narayan presented by North Island Electrical Trades Golf Delegate Jamie Dempster, with a Nett 65 on countback from Peter McInally.
Other notables Gary Coxon and Brian Hemingway on Nett 69, Lou Hiller Nett 70 and Niel Vermaak Nett 71.
Inset below right Peter McInally awarded the Radiation Cup for Best Stableford on 40 points.
We would like to acknowledge all of the National Sponsors who continue to assist all of our regional events and our year-ending National Tournament.
For our local supporters, Zumtobel/Thorn Lighting provided a putting contest that was won in a lucky draw from those who managed to hole out on the designated hole, presented by Paul Doolan Zumbotel's National Sales Manager.
Switch Lighting kindly provided Clubhouse sponsorship along with prizes, simPRO as always great supporters with prizes, along with representation from Sales Director Milan Kumar, Nexan/Computer Dynamics many thanks for their continued support with the fantastic prize packs provided,
Active Electrical & Ideal Electrical organizing team entry sponsorship for a number of the teams playing on the day,

Image Above - The Zimbotel Crew running the Thorn Lighting Putting Contest.
Previous long-time National Sponsor NHP NZ provided a valuable contribution to our raffle table with a golf carry bag,
Eddie Xu Director of NSG Lighting contributed again with hole sponsorship and involvement with team representation.
Brian Hemingway and ETEL Transformers for hole sponsorship, Chris Brandon and Pheonix Contact hole sponsorship,
Frucor Suntory for the generous provision of on-course drinks from their extensive range of products, Martin Verheyen Process and Pricing Manager at First Flex for the annual auction prize chilly bin. See the Image Gallery from the day if you have any other photos to contribute please contact our tournament organizers.