Auckland 2022

A very successful day at the Auckland Electrical Trades Golf day held at our new venue the Akarana Golf Club many thanks to Peter Witton and the staff at the golf club for providing a great golf course and quality service afterward. A long list of sponsors to thank for their support on the day with special mention to NHP Electrical Engineering Products for providing the BBQ of the day, ably managed by Tye and Gavin NHP chef’s of the day.

Also in attendance on the 1st tee were Gael, Briana, and Laura representing the Apprenticeship Training Trust who held a marshmallow driving contest!! “hard to explain you had to be there” the longest drive was appx 70 feet so I think you get the idea Julie from simPRO organized a corn hole contest on the 3rd hole with the winner receiving a special prize of a bottle of quality Whiskey. Jessica and Vanessa from Schneider Electric attended on the day providing us with fantastic prizes in the Wiser Hub modules, along with soundbars from our long-time supporters Computer_Dynamics, these were awarded to our Ambrose winners. Scott Electrical, Ideal Electrical, J.A. Russell Ltd, NSG Lighting, and Active Electrical many thanks for your support and attendance at our day. The golf was played in good spirits with many of our supporting wholesalers entering Ambrose Teams made up of contractors from around the region,
F&P’s maintenance team taking out the top prize of the day and getting their name added to the NHP Trophy.
Our BJC Cup Trade Champion in the “real golfers” section for the 3rd year in a row was Shiva Warjan with a quality 74 gross. Mike Woods won the PDL Cup Best Nett on 66, and John Wharfe won the Radiation Cup for Best Stableford with 37 points.
In all 90 players enjoyed the golf and aftermatch festivities, for more results, news from the day, and events happening near you throughout the remainder of the year, visit our Electrical Trades Golf website Many thanks again to all our sponsors and those National Supporters that contribute to our local tournaments throughout the country. Good golfing and see you all next year or at the 2022 Nationals in Dunedin.
Brian Cronin & Brian Hemingway Event Organisers
Other winners on the day were:
Lucky Draw from Simpro – Bottle of Whiskey – Justin White
Long Drive – Ron Daley Jnr
Long Drive – Apprentice Training Trust – Steve Gray
Nearest Pin – Johan J
2nd Gross – Ron Daley Jnr- 80
2nd Nett – Graeme Berge – 70
2nd Stableford – Jeffrey Berge – 35
2nd Ambrose – Watercare Active #2 – Nett 55
3rd Ambrose – Short Circuit – Active #1 – Nett 56.7
3rd Gross – Jamie Dempster – 80 C/B
3rd Nett – Jeffrey Dolan – 72
3rd Stableford – Peter Holloway – 33

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