Friday, October 18th was a remarkable day in Dunedin, after the original date October 4th had to be cancelled because of severe rain, despite this the club managed to present the course in excellent condition, with superb greens and dry fairways. Post-tournament, we all went to the Edgar Centre which provided ample food, and a great room to host the prize giving where most people walked away with something.
100 plus players participated, with most playing in the Ambrose team’s division, there was some great scoring and a close hole-in-one on 12.

A heartfelt thanks go to our on-course sponsors who were stationed at various holes, significantly enhancing the day's experience. We look forward to next year's challenges.
Special mentions to:
- Bronwyn from ATT for the BBQ.
- Aotea Electrical for a closet to the pin.
- Tansleys Electrical for a closet to the pin.
- Nathan from Clevertronics, and Vynco for Longest Drive prizes.
A massive thanks go out to all sponsors who participated, weather in an Ambrose team or playing individually your support is crucial for the event's growth and success, so we encourage continued support for these businesses.

Best Nett winner Trevor King (left) presents Best Gross Trophy to Richard Knight
Best Gross – Richard Knight - Best Net – Trevor King - Best Stableford – Neil Seaton
Best Ambrose – Doma Electrical
Many thanks to our sponsors:
Gold - ABB Limited, ATT NZ Apprentice Training Trust, JA Russell/Radcliffe Electrical, Signify Philips/Pierlite
Silver - 4 Cabling, Clevertronics, ETCO, Ideal Electrical Supplies, Simpro
Bronze - First Flex Cables, Maser NZ, NHP Electrical, Simx Ltd
Regional Sponsors: Tansley Electrical, Signify, Aotea Electrical, Tyree, Clevertronics, Maser,
Golf Distributors, J A Russell, Zumtobel, ModemPak, Switchboard Builders, Delta, Vynco, Schneider, Pure LED, Telfers, First Flex, Ideal Electrical, Nexans, Marley, NHP, Southbase, RWK Holesaws, Ohug, Atkore.
Nationals Team: Subject to change
Ben Gunn, Thomas Nichol, Steve Pringle, Neil Seaton, Shane Stockenstroom, Richard Knight, Bryan Ferguson, Trevor King
Finally, a thank you to all the teams who managed to rearrange their schedules after the first date was postponed, we hope you all enjoyed the opportunity to network within the industry and have a laugh.
Best Regards
Ben Gunn and the team from the Otago Association